just don't know what to do anymore
the tracks are buried amidst the debris
don't want to be the thing that tears the group apart
not knowing what my best option would be
what is there left for me to do?
what paths are there for me to choose?
how can i shake this, and scare it all away?
all that has been gettin scared away
is my strength, my courage, my pride
it's impossible to deal, and be okay
with the misunderstood fractions
of another messed up soul.
i shouldn't let the world drag me down
i'm not it's toy, to bend and break.
not everyone i know is a horrible person
but i'll be damned to know who is real.
i don't understand why it is
that people expect so much of me
If it weren't like that
Nobody would be setting themselves up
for a big disappointment.
i don't try to be such a let down
and i don't personally think i am
I do whatever I hold in my power
to help out those surrounding me
im sorry if it's too much of me
to think that i deserve a little respect
I can't hate anyone, nor their actions
but I can hate that i don't understand
How someone could be brought up so badly
That they're messed up for eternity?
I don't see how it's possible
i don't see how they justify their actions
or their opinions
and I don't see how nobody has the strength
To look somebody in the eye
and tell them how they really feel.
just don't know what to do anymore
the tracks are buried amidst the debris
kick away the soot, the rubble
and what is left is jagged pieces
of me.