The apartment probably meant so much more to me than it meant to the others. I know this is gonna sound like a rip-off of D-3 (Sorry Guys, But its true), but to me the apartment symbolized true friendship. Everyone loved each other, and it was just about everyone's home. People put aside their differences and everybody loved each other, and it was just a really great experience, although many may think otherwise. Through many obscene games, obscene and weird situations, and a lot of nudity, the apartment's x-rating was accepted by many.
More apartment pictures should be up within a month. Erin and Kelli are coming back to visit, and I'm gettin copies of a lot of their pictures, so be ready for some more!
Dave, looking sexy in a pair of ladies panties.
Brandon, passed out, piss drunk, and wearing underwear covering the WRONG head.
Erin, drinking milk from a shotglass a couple days before she moved out.
Brandon, Piss Drunk, and Pissed himself.
Amber on Saint Patrick's Day
Kelli on Saint Patrick's Day
Chad and Fatty doin what they do best-arguing.
Sexual Secrets causes Tuftee to kiss Mel's ass.
Fatty is so much fun to dress up when he's passed out. Liza in front :)
Dave wearing women's panties
Melissa & Mike