
the lifestyle of the boring
and popular
brought to you by
The Gap
Abercrombie and Fitch
And American Eagle
We do not
I repeat
support non-conformity
everyone should be the same
then they wouldn't complain
about being judged
nobody but the hippies
the ravers, the skaters, and the junkies
and basically anyone else that wasnt mentioned
is judged in the same manner
"you're nobody if you dont fit in"
i would never want to be one of them
i like being myself
i like having my freedom
and i like not being a slave
to the current fashion and style
when everyone looks back
who do you think they'll remember?
The thousands of Gap kids or the girl in the bright colors and big pants
with oddly colored hair
and a personality unlike any other
a free spirit
take your pick
but while youre thinking
id just like to say
I'm glad I'm not popular


**NOTE: My views have changed quite a bit since my bitter high school days, so not all parts of this are what I think anymore, but hey, it's a classic**